Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Day of Recreation

Today was a low-key day for me, all I did was laundry and start work on a new knitting project...

Since that's not very exciting I will tell you what everyone else did instead.

Jim is the only one who didn't rest. He went to work and put in a full day. They are moving into the new building on Monday and he had lots to do to be ready for that. He got these pictures of the new facility...

View from the outside.

Jim's office :)

One of the new work cubicles (this is what Jim used to work out of...)

Theh other side of the cubicles, a LARGE foyer area.
The shop itself isn't finished yet so those pictures will come later. The shop is where they are going to hang the 10 x 20 ft flag that Nick is sending from Afghanistan. It used to hang in the shop at Camp Leatherneck. The guys at Ideal are very excited about to get the flag. Ideal makes parts for Oshkosh Corp. who builds the MATVs and MRAPs that the military is using over there. Below is a sample of what they would like to hang up with it when it arrives...(do you like the image of the photographer?)

Natalie wasn't home today, she was in Madison visiting a friend so I don't have much to report on her.

Tiffany worked last night so she slept most of the day while Phil went out duck hunting, unfortunately he didn't get anything.

Richard went to Waukesha yesterday but came back home around lunch time today. Liz joined him here later and when Phil got back from hunting they all got ready to take Tiffany out for a drink for the first time to celebrate her 21st birthday.

Richard sent me this picture of Tiffany enjoying her first drink (it was a margharita.)
Tiffany and the rest of the group did invite Jim and me to join them when they got to Fat Joe's downtown. We stopped in to say hi but didn't stay. Jim and I were on a mission to find Ben and Jerry's icecream to celebrate Sweetest Day. Tiffany was in good hands and didn't need Mom and Dad overseeing her first night out :)
I'm told that tomorrow there is a poultry show at the Dodge Co. fairgrounds in Juneau. Jim and I are tempted to go because the people watching is so fun so stay tuned, we may have some interesting pictures to share tomorrow!
Photo of the Day:
Scripture Verse of the Day:
"We rejoice and delight in you;
we will praise your love more than wine."
Song of Songs 1:4b

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