Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 79 - March 20, 2011

Fun Day!

Even though it was RAINY we decided to take a day away from everything and go to the poultry show at the Beaver Dam fair grounds. What can I say? Going that day with Brian got us hooked and it's something different to do. Besides, people watching at those shows is VERY interesting.

Everyone including the poultry seemed wet and unhappy...

but we had fun!
When we got home it was a good day to snuggle with a cat and read a book or take a nap...


It was also a day for comfort food so I made Spam hotdish. (Don't knock it till you try it!
I also started my next afghan with more of the yarn grandma gave me...


I made some good progress.

This is what a finished block will look like...
Only 71 more to go.

It rained most of the day but got steadily colder. At one point we actually had hail...

All in all it was a great day!

Scripture Passage of the Day:

Psalm 148:7-8
Praise the LORD from the earth,...
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do his bidding

Photo of the Day

Day 77-78 - March 18 & 19, 2011

Spring break wrapped up with Friday being my last day to try to get anything on my "MUST DO DURING BREAK LIST" done, so of course I got distracted with things NOT on my list, like finishing the afghan, which I did! I was so close I couldn't just let it sit.

It's recipient who was waiting mostly patiently for it to be finished was very pleased to have it...

On Saturday we went to BJ's going away party. He will be leaving for Marine boot camp in about a week. That brought back alot of memories!

Scripture Passage of the Day:
Psalm 62
Mt soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.
Photo of the Day:
Natalie is not the only one who appreiciates the new afghan.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 76 - March 17, 2011

Another warm day!

My day started very early because I made cookies for Richard's care package and I wanted to get it sent out as soon as possible. (They don't get any fresher than this Richard!)

We saw more signs of spring today these robins eyeing up the same place they built a nest last year (the yard light on our garage.)

and my daffodils and irises are coming up!!

I also found a little time to plug away at my afghan, I'm so close to the end now!

Photo of the day:

Now all I have left to do is add the border, maybe I'll tackle that tomorrow...

Richard told us today that he is leaving next week Thursday, well, actually about 3 a.m. on Friday. This is happy/sad news. Richard has been waiting a long time for this and is excited to go so we are very happy for him. Soon our countdown will be reflecting the number of days until he safely returns! You are in our thoughts and prayers Richard!

Scripture passage of the day:
Psalm 31:15
My times are in your hands;
deliver me from my enemies
and from those who pursue me.

Day 75 - March 16, 2011

Today was really warm, I mean go outside in just your t-shirt warm!

I'm still trying to get caught up on laundry so I took advantage of the warm weather and let mother nature do her share...

nothing got dry very fast though, it was just a little too humid.

The girls and I decided to make a quick trip to Walmart. Tiffany drove...

and was very careful to keep to the speed limit (most of the time.)

While we were at Walmart Natalie was excited to find Little Mermaid kites!

(The most exciting thing I bought was a new mop head, sorry, no picture of that.)

When we got back we decided to take advantage of the warm weather and go for a little walk...

What are the girls doing you ask? Well, they'll be happy to tell you...

In addition to the ever popular (in our family) shelf-ice, we saw many other exciting things on our little excursion, like our first robin of the season (always a welcome sight!)...

We also heard and finally saw (WAY up in a tree) a cardinal...

The creek is really high because of all the melting snow...

and even though snow is melting fast, our yard seems to be reluctant to give up it's winter coat of snow...

When we got back Richard was online so we were able to Skype-chat a little bit...

If you can't read it, he had his final gear inspection today. That means he had to have everything together that he is taking with him when he deploys next week. He also has an updated address for people who want to send him things while he is gone:

Cpl Schmidt, Richard J.
1/5 Alpha Company 2nd Plt.
Unit 40325
FPO AP 96427-0325

Later we heard from Nick and he emailed us a picture of what HE's been doing...

 Can you find him? (Their camies started out the same color as the pants of the unmuddy men on either end of the picture.)

Photo of the day:

We're so proud of our two warriors!

Scripture passage of the day:
Psalm 127: 4-5
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one's youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Day 74 - March 15, 2011

It was the second day of spring break and aside from trying to get caught up on the mountains of laundry I've been neglecting (as well as the other cleaning and errand running) nothing exciting happened today.

Some of the most fun we had was watching Natalie's hamster bumble around the kitchen in its exercise ball...(too funny!)

Tiffany also made me smile today. We were having a little conversation but until I looked up at her I didn't realize she was in the middle of making herself beautiful. (She has a new set of curlers that she's been experimenting with.)

The weather is warming up and the snow is melting fast...

Photo of the day:

I'm not sure, but it might be time to put Frosty and his tree back in storage. Winter seems to have been a little hard on them...what do you think?

Scripture passage of the day:
Psalm 147:16, 18
He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes...
He sends his word and melts them;
he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Sorry, the last two posts got added out of order...can you follow it anyway?

Day 57 - February 26, 2011

My heart is breaking! Olaf died today. We had to have him put down. I still can't believe it. He was doing so well, in fact I took these pictures today to show what improvement he'd made. He'd gained most of his weight back and was completely back to normal. In the end it went very fast. He developed stomach bloat and when that happens, especially in a dog his age, there is nothing that can be done but put them out of their misery. It was over start to finish in less than two hours.

For this post I was going to babble on about the pile of yarn my mother gave me today (she's given up working with yarn because she's allergic to it) and the positive aspects and parallels in life of taking what you are given and making the most of it, but somehow it all seems kind of pointless now.

I KNOW the Lord will not test us beyond what we are able to endure. I KNOW God loves me and that everything that happens is for my good. I just can't see it right now. What I DON'T know is how I am going to get through this year with my sanity and a positive outlook intact. Prayers please, the accumulation of recent events is too much for me to handle right now. No more Lord, please, no more.

 Scripture passage of the day:

Psalm 6:1-3, 7-8
O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your wrath.
Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint;
...My soul is in anguish.
How long, O LORD, how long?
My eyes grow weak with sorrow;
they fail because of all my foes.
Away from me, all you who do evil,
for the LORD has heard my weeping.
The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;
the LORD accepts my prayer.
All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed;
they will turn back in sudden disgrace.

Photo of the day:

Olaf's last picture. I am so sad, I WANT MY DOG BACK!

Day 58- Day 73 February 27 - March 14, 2011

Ok, so my last post wasn't very upbeat, I apologize for that! I've been hit with a lot of things at once and haven't rolled with it very well. The last couple weeks I've spent trying to sort things out and come up with proactive solutions to situations that need immediate and drastic improvement. Most of my efforts have been unsuccessful. The biggest challenge...keeping my faith and trust in God intact. I won't lie, it's been a struggle, but praise God, it's one I believe I am winning!

Here is an overview of what has occurred in the last few weeks, it's a little long I know, but hey, what can I say? I dropped the ball there for a while and have no choice but to make up for it now. Sorry!

Richard - has a more definite date for his deployment which will be either March 24, 25, or 26. (Not sure why they can't be more specific) He has been busy collecting the things he needs to take with him and had a gear inspection today. Wednesday will be the final inspection for which he has to have everything ready. He is excited and ready to go, the sitting around he's done the last few weeks has been more frustrating than relaxing. When he gets there he will spend about a month at his first stop (sorry, can't remember the name of it but it starts with an M.) He'll be getting used to the climate and other aspects of the population and environment. After that he will go to Leatherneck and will get to work with the guys his unit is replacing. I'm hopeful that we will be able to have decent communication with him during those weeks. After that, who knows? In case anyone was wondering, Richard said that where he was they only had two foot swells from the tsunami and that he actually didn't even know about it until it was all over.

Nick - has been training to be a green belt MCMAP instructor. (MCMAP = Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) It is a very intense course. He's been getting battered around and spends more time feeling bruised and sore than not, but he is doing well. He does however suggest you never smack your trainer in the face, even by accident. When he's not getting beat up in the name of earning the prestigious (and it IS prestigious) title of green belt instructor, he's been working on his car. He's even been able to find time to look for parts to keep our sorry fleet at home running.

Tanya - spent some time in Florida recently on a Habitat for Humanity project. What a great girl, we're proud of her!

Tiffany - is wrapping up her internship at Ideal. While parts of the job have really tried her patience and tested her coping skills, it has been a really great experience for her. Right now she is looking forward to the CNA class that starts in a couple of weeks. After that she hopes to land a job as a CNA for the remainder of the spring and summer while she prepares for college in the fall. For a funny Tiffany story, the next time you see her, ask her about the spider that was in her car.

Natalie - has recently completed dissecting a cat at school. It has been a several week long adventure worth of stories that you really should hear directly from her for the best impact. She is looking forward to school being done, but then isn't everyone this time of year? For a funny Natalie (and Tiffany) story, ask her about the precious gift her cat, Angel, brought her.

My parents/uncle - Mom saw the corneal specialist who the same day diagnosed another condition she has (EBMD - epithelial basement membrane dystrophy) in additon to her Fuchs dystrophy. The same day he removed the top two layers of her right cornea. The idea is that when they grow back (which they will) her condition has an 80% chance of being improved. Time will tell. Dad requires and is scheduled for cataract surgery for both eyes. One will be done in late March, the other early April. I have no idea how we are going to get everyone to their appointments since driving will not be an option for either one of them soon. My uncle Herb has offered to help but back-up plan suggestions would be welcome! My uncle was back in the hospital about a week ago with more chest pains. He has voluntarily agreed to look into assisted living arrangements now but at the moment he hasn't looked farther than Beaver Dam. I wish he'd consider something closer to Fond du Lac, but it has to be his decision. He's also saying he doesn't want to move until after the summer is over and he's talking about wanting his car back...

Me - do you remember the yarn pile from my mom? Well, I've been putting my sleepless nights to good use. (Crocheting continues to be an excellent and cheap therapy!)

I decided to make it into an afghan and have been making steady progress...

Next project...trying to remember how I made the jar on the left because I want to make one out of the jar on the right as a gift for a friend by Easter. Wish me luck.

I've been offered a job at a daycare in town and hope to be starting there in the next two weeks. I will have to give up most of the tutoring I do, but I firmly believe it will be for the best in the end. Today I heard about another job opportunity as well. Pray for me on that. I've been really struggling with some things and doing a lot of thinking and praying. I have finally realized and accepted that the only thing that is going to improve/reduce my stress load is a change that needs to happen closer to the "sooner" category than the "later" one. I believe that God will take care of us and it seems that this is the best way to go. May his will be done.

Jim - is finally able to train in a replacement for the woman that was let go at his work. He has been trying to do his job and hers for over a month and the strain is taking its toll. The new guy seems to be great and we are very optimistic that things will be better soon. In the meantime we keep trying to stay on top of things and keep faith and trust in God's plan for us. This last Saturday we did something unusual and therefore really fun. Brian called to say he was at a poultry show at the Fond du Lac fair grounds. We decided to meet him there and I'm glad we did! It was an entertaining experience! Brian was able to add significantly to his livestock collection. Here he and Jim are carrying out to the truck the two adult geese Brian bought.
Brian keeps saying he thinks we should start keeping chickens too. Honestly the idea appeals to me and I wish we could. I LOVE critters. I just don't know where I'd find the time right now, not to mention a place to put them. I also don't think the town of Empire would allow that...still, maybe it's worth looking into, you know just in case, for the future...
Speaing of critters, we've discovered that the rabbit that has been leaving tracks all around our house for weeks has been living under Jerry's car (we've been parking it for him while he recuperates.)

We've had another snow storm but now it is finally beginning to get warm enough for everything to melt. Now we have impressive slush ruts in the driveway every morning, but that's ok!

and last but not Christmas cactus has two new buds, and it's not even Christmas!

Scripture passage of the day:
Psalm 30:5
...weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Photo of the day: