Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 37 - February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday turned out to be a busy day. Jim went down to Madison again and I stayed home to keep working on the Christening gowns. By 4:00 we were all ready for some fun and relaxation watching the Super Bowl at Grandma and Grandpa's. Grandma had put on quite a spread...

She also had out lots of fun Packer paraphernalia including the cheese wedge pine car she had made for the Pine Car Derby way back when we still lived in Illinois!

In the first half of the game the Packers got off to a great start and we had a lot of fun cheering, but the third quarter proved to be rather stressful for some unnamed people we know and love who take their sports VERY seriously...

Tensions and frustrations were running high, but then, just when all seemed lost...

the Packers rallied and made what turned out to be the decisive winning play. I believe the boys probably heard the noise all the way out on their respective ends of the country! I shudder to think what kind of medical intervention would have been needed if the Packers had managed to lose the game, but since that wasn't the case we won't dwell...

All in all it was an exciting game and a fun diversion which we all needed. Even Jerry was able to get into the spirit!

Judging by the palpitations we were all experiencing in Grandma's living room during the game, I just had to wonder whether they schedule extra staff on the cardiac wings of hospitals during big games like this...I'll have to ask Jerry.

Scripture passage of the day:
Job 8:21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughter
and your lips with shouts of joy.

Photo of the day:

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