Monday, November 5, 2012

Trip to NC Day 5 - Nick's Homecoming

November 1, 2012

Today is the day we came here for! It's the day we have been waiting ten long months for! I got up early to catch the sunrise over the ocean and when I got to the beach I found someone was there before me...

I just love this picture of Tanya looking toward her bright future with Nick, I knew it was going to be a great day!
With several hours to go until we had to go to the base receiving site I decided to take advantage of the absolute treasure trove of rocks that were made visible with the low tide. I couldn't believe my eyes and wished I had brought some kind of bucket. I made a pocket of the front of my sweatshirt instead. Those who know what I do with rocks like this will understand my excitement!

The rocks here are beautiful and perfectly shaped polished by the endless wave action. I must have picked up about five pounds worth before I had to quit. I had no more room in the sweatshirt!

Back at the cabin we all started getting ready for Nick's homecoming. Tanya had been calling the 800 number every ten minutes or so to check for arrival time updates. The news just kept getting better and better until they were announcing that RCT - 6 would arrive at 2:30 (changed from 10 p.m.). Then at about 10:00 a.m. Tanya got a call from Nick saying he was already in the states at Cherry Point! He was EARLY!

The first thing I did was text everyone and to also tell Tiffany it was time to put on her t-shirt. Tiffany sent me this photo to show she was ready back in WI.
My mom texted back that she was having a "yellow ribbon removal" right then. She sent these pictures...

It made me cry! We have been waiting for this day when both boys would be done with Afghanistan for so long! I can't begin to describe the emotions we were feeling.
At about 12:15 we piled in the car to head for the receiving site. We were a really happy bunch!!

We found a good spot to wait and hauled out our welcome home banners...

Jimmy had a great time meeting up with guys he hadn't seen in a long time.

Things got really exciting when the trucks hauling the gear arrived and the work crew began to unload the guys' stuff...
 Meanwhile everyone was getting reaquainted and taking "happy to be here" pictures.

These are the wives and girlfriends plus Zach and Jimmy of RCT-6...

One of the moms had a special uniform made for her son that matched his daddy's. I don't remember the exact words but her welcome home sign said something like, "C'mon Daddy, let's go take our cammies off!" Too cute!

While we were waiting, Base Commandant Brig. Gen. Burke Whitman came over especially to talk with Zach and Jimmy. He personally thanked them for their service and told them it was an honor to meet them! This is a really big deal.

And then FINALLY, the big moment arrived! The buses containing our Marines pulled up and the crowd errupted into screams and tears of joy, us included! We had Tiffany on the phone the whole time so she could "be there" too. You can see Nick talk to her in the video...

After that it was all happiness and reunion pictures. Here are the RCT-6 guys!

It was a very happy ride back to the cabin...

What a blessing it is to know all my kids are safely back on U.S. soil! Then we had a little impromptu photo session on the beach. It just warms my heart to see Nick and Tanya back together again. They are so happy together!

That night we all just sat back and enjoyed time together. We watched something forgettable on TV...

...and then had a highly competetive game of Apples to Apples.

At sunset I took another walk to the beach. It seemed appropriate to end the day with a little quiet time giving thanks for all the blessings of the day. God has been so good to us!

Photo of the Day:

Scripture Verse of the Day:
"Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD. You have filled my heart with greater joy"
Psalm 4:6-7

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