Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trip to NC - Day 4

October 31, 2012

The Beach and The Cabin

We've been here in the cabin two days and today I finally got a chance to go to the beach. It was another beautiful day!

Onslow beach is beautiful too...


After a little beach combing I went back to the cabin and made M&M pancakes for everyone.

Even Natalie got up for pancakes. Natalie is not a morning person. This is her morning "leave me alone or die" face...
Tanya doesn't have that problem. She has cheerfully been doing her homework every chance she gets. 

I think it's about time I show you a little bit about the cabin too. It has a cute and very functional little kitchen...
There is a bedroom in the back and a ladder to a loft over the kitchen and back bedroom...

The loft looks down into the living room area...

The living room area...

A full bathroom...

The back bedroom...

Natalie's new camera took this awesome panorama shot of the kitchen and living area...

The little water heater is under the kitchen sink and the hot water is really, really HOT!

After breakfast we went into Jacksonville to move Frenchie's car from the Walmart to a location closer to the base. Along the way I saw more interesting signs that I would never see back home...

 This was also interesting. We never have blooming bushes on Halloween back home.

Natalie and I were very curious about what this purple plant is...does anyone know?

When we got to Walmart I was very relieved to see that Frenchie's car was right where we left it. I had been very worried about leaving it there!

Back at the cabin we put in the third Die Hard movie to complete our Die-Hard-a-thon.

Then Natalie went down to the beach and took these awesome photos with her new camera...


Considering it was October 31st we became a little concerned when the birds began gathering on the power lines near the cabin...was this going to be a real-life episode of "The Birds"? (It wasn't.)

While Natalie was taking pictures I tried to get updated on the blog. When she came back she kept playing with her camera...

Jim and the boys made a successful trip out to get "Kool-aid"...

and we settled in for the night...for a little while anyway. There must have been a night-op training exercise going on. Lots of helicopters and the VERY LOUD Ospreys flew overhead periodically. Jim and I went out to watch. The Ospreys were especially awesome to see their lights made green circles in the sky shaped like a figure eight. When it was fully dark it was practically impossible to see the aircraft although it was very easy to hear them. I kept thinking about how thankful I was that they were on the side of the good guys. I would NOT want those things out looking for me!
We tried to take a video but like I said, they were practically impossible to see. Watch for the little green light...
When we got back to the cabin Jimmy had changed into his Halloween costume. Looks good, Jimmy!
I made us a late night snack of of ham and cheese sandwiches and Spaghettios. This is the life.

 Photo of the Day:

Scripture Verse of the Day:
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Ps. 19:1-4

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