Thursday, January 17, 2013

Celebrating 30 Years

January 14, 2013 marked the thirtieth anniversary of Jim's and my first date. It is amazing to think we have been together for more than half my life. It doesn't seem that long and I feel blessed to say I wouldn't give up a single day of our time together.

Jim took off two days from work for this occasion and planned a special mini-vacation for us. He booked the honeymoon suite that we stayed in on our wedding night... looks a little different twenty-five years later. It would have been really nice except for the fact that there was NO HEAT. Since it was single digit temperature outside that was a bit of an issue. After two calls to the front desk and waiting an hour and a half for the wall heater to kick in we gave up and moved to another room. I still give Jim big points for the idea though!

The next two days we went to antique malls and just bummed around taking our time looking and laughing at random things...

When we see stuff like this the only thing we can ask is "Why?!"

Jim has been on the lookout for a BB gun like the one he had as a boy and we were excited to find this one which is the closest we've come so far...

...unfortunately it was broken. We are encouraged though and are going to keep looking. Jim also saw and really liked this sign...

...he wants to hang one like it at work.

We have been really missing having a fireplace and were tickled to find this one which also nicely fit right in our budget...

...but then we saw THIS one...

...which was really almost tempting, until we saw the best one of all!

In fact, for less than $300 we could have had this entire ensemble for our livingroom. We almost thought about doing it, but then I remembered I had just gotten a "new" couch at the thrift store only a few months ago. We decided to be hold off and be content with what we have. Someone else will get to enjoy this particular set of treasures.

One of the more interesting and bizarre things I saw while we were antique-malling was this little gem...

The tag says "Camel cigarette packages folded into jewelry box with drawer and double fold top. Made at Rayford Prison, Florida, by inmate - 1950s    $165"

We left it on the shelf but will keep it in mind as a unique gift idea the next time we need something for a person who has everything else.

We did buy a few things but nothing big. The thing I was most excited about was this old pot holder...

I've never seen one like it. At first I was gonna try and make it myself but then decided not to bother when I could buy this one. I just love it!

On the 14th we stopped for lunch at Burger King (we go all out when we are on dates) and I was amused to realize Jim was sitting there in the booth surrounded by hearts. I asked him to sit still for a picture. I think it was a very appropriate backdrop for the man I love on our anniversary. (Isn't he a good sport?)

On our last night before getting back to real life Jim decided to let the Colonel cook supper. The Colonel was happy to comply and he even cooperatively posed with me for pictures...

He looked like a really nice guy at first but it didn't take us long to realize he was cold and rather set in his ways. We ate there anyway.
While we were out Natalie called and asked if we would please bring her some peanutbutter M&Ms. Being the good and indulgent parents that we are, we of course stopped on the way home to get her some. We couldn't believe it when we found the Walmart shelves had NONE. We were even more surprised to get to Pick & Save and find none on those shelves either...
The only peanutbutter M&Ms in the whole store were this ONE box in this ONE display.
It was Natalie's lucky night and she was appropriately grateful...

...good answer.
Photo of the Day:

Scripture Verse of the Day:
"My times are in your hands,"
Ps. 31:15

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