Tiffany's day didn't start out too well. She has entered the world of grown-up frustrations. Today's problem was the lack of adequate parking spaces where she works. She parked in the only available spot and got a parking citation. It's only a warning but she's still upset...

Her day did improve later though. The story starts with Natalie who went to a concert given by the Mad Hatters of UW Madison. She came home in love. Apparently this group of young men (who sing everything acapella) is THE BEST THING EVER! Natalie came home so excited she couldn't even talk to explain what she was so excited about, there was just a lot of hopping, giggling and squealing for a while. Eventually we were able to piece it all together. A little while later Tiffany came home with her own exciting story to tell. She hadn't been able to go to the concert because she had to work, BUT the Mad Hatters stopped in at Culvers and...THEY ALL ORDERED FROM HER REGISTER! She got a photo with them AND they gave her a CD. Now both girls are in love with UW Madison guys.
Natalie's favorite is Andrew. He is the beat-boxer for the group and is pointed out in the photo below.
I have been instructed to laminate this poster after which it will be framed so that it will be doubly protected...
I've listened to the CDs and have to admit they are an extremely talented group. If you haven't had the chance to hear them you may want to look into it.
Photo of the Day:
Scripture passage of the day:
1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant
nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain,
but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
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